Choose this if you want to attend 15 or less workouts per month.
That's only $12.33 per class!
Choose this if you're a frequent gym goer. Attend 16 or more classes per month.
$10 or less per class!
Includes: 1 InBody body composition scan/month
Includes: Free off hours access
Choose this if you're just starting your fitness journey or you have other fitness options.
Includes 10 workouts per month.
Only $16.50 per class!
Learn the basics of AMRAP over 3 sessions & be ready to jump into classes!
(Every new member receives a welcome email, gym towel, protein sample and body scan!)
Questions or comments? Get in touch with us today.
Schedule your free trial today to get started.
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1967 Wisconsin Ave, Grafton, WI 53024, United States of America